Out on February 1st 2019. Molpé Music/ L’Autre Distribution.
The new release by Keyvan Chemirani celebrates the world of rhythm, from the Indian subcontinent (with the kanjira and the tablas) to the western drum-kit, via voiced rhythms (the konnokol and the beat box). The result is enhanced by strummed strings and a bass clarinet, that play off each other at times, and support the rhythmic structure at others.
The musicians, anchored in a vigorous tradition, are in phase with today’s world and more than ever receptive to other musical styles. Their generosity and openness are the indispensable key to transmitting and sharing an erudite musical tradition, with its precise architecture. Sequenced pieces go back and forth between an interior world that is meditative and contemplative, and an exterior one that is festive, even explosive, without ever forgetting the fundamentals: pleasure, jubilation and the groove.
Prabhu Edouard – Tablas
Vincent Ségal – Cello
Stéphane Galland – drums
Julien Stella – bass clarinet, beatbox
Sokratis Sinopoulos – lyra
Bijan Chemirani – Zarb, percussion, saz
Djamchid Chemirani – zarb, vocals
Keyvan Chemirani – zarb, percussions, santour